Looking for the perfect get away? Curious about this island called St.Lucia you keep hearing so much about? The universe has lead you to the right place and you're not reading this by chance. I'm sure you've heard of Jamaica, Barbados and the Bahamas but for some reason in-between hearing about those places this one keeps coming up and you're not sure why you hearing such great things about it. Look no further we'll get right into it. Here are the top 5 reasons to visit sweet St.Lucia
1. Honeymooner's Paradise

St.Lucia is the worlds leading honeymoon destination, winning this award yet again in 2019. Every year, month after month thousands of newly wed couples flock to Saint Lucia to celebrate their love along with numerous other travelers. Why you might ask, solely because of the islands natural beauty and instantaneous wow factor not to mention its abundance of beaches, coves, greenery, turquoise clear waters and loads of activities to choose from. The island is a candy shop for travelers no matter the occasion, wedding, honeymoon, anniversary or just celebrating life. There are many lodging options to choose from ranging from the most quaint airbnb's to the most luxurious, prestigious and well-known hotels and resorts such as the world renowned Jade Mountain, Sugar Beach a Viceroy Resort and the Caribbean's leading hotel brand Sandals Resorts International. If you're a party goer this hidden gem has an insane lineup of annual events and festivities.
2. Don't go chasing waterfalls!?

St.Lucia is home to over six(6) waterfalls, some popular some hidden away by lush forests. If you're a waterfall lover St.Lucia is high on your list of places to visit. Each one is special in their own way with revitalizing waters coddled with lush forests and beaming sun rays through the trees like something out of a Bob Ross painting. Discovering most of them is a magical experience and therefore definitely worth the adventure. Bring your camera and, bathing suit, bug spray(if you're going for the hidden cascades) and sense of adventure. Tip*- If you're going for the hidden waterfalls and you're going on your own be sure to get a guide or excursion company to safely direct you to or navigate you through. Happy trekking!
3. The Caribbeans ONLY drive-through volcano

St.Lucia is home to the Caribbean's only drive-through volcano. From this birthed the island of St.Lucia through volcanic eruption. There are only two(2) in the entire world which makes it critical to take full advantage of this extremely rare opportunity. 99.9% of travelers who come to St.Lucia come for the sole purpose of taking a dip in our world famous sulphur mineral black water pool also known as the 'Mud bath'. This mud bath is said to have miraculous healing properties that make you look ten(10) to fifteen(15) years younger. The mineral pool's healing properties has been proven to aid with muscle and joint pains and the mud bath with breakouts, eczema, bug bites, psoriasis and the notorious sun burn. All who took advantage of this all natural spa confessed to feeling relieved of aching pains in the body, having smoother softer skin, boosts in energy and overall sense of well-being. Some even go as far as saying their grand parents emerged feeling like teenagers, so if no matter your age you might want to consider traveling with clothing that fit you fifteen(15) years ago!

4. The Friday Night Street Party

Kiss French, dress Italian, drive German, spend Arab and party Caribbean! This is also known as the 'Fish Festival' where everyone island wide comes together to party island style. Travelers, locals, young, old, no matter who you are or where you're from this once a week street jam is the place to be on a Friday evening. If you wanna shake a leg, make a friend, taste some great local food that's finger licking good this is the place for you. When visiting this is definitely a highly recommended activity to indulge in during your stay, not to mention its an amazing way to kick-off or close off your holiday with a BANG! Tip*- If you really maximize a smooth experience get local to take you around to bring you for the best drink makers at the party and the best meals.
Ps. The local lobster is to die for.

The Pitons (Gros Piton and Petit Piton)

Every great nation has it's icon, for France it's the Eiffel Tower, to England it's Big Ben and to the United States it's the Statue of Liberty or Empire State Building. On that premise when flying into and over St.Lucia you are greeted by our world famous majestic twin peaks called The Pitons, which are in fact extinct volcanoes that failed to erupt. Our ancestors believed these hulking colossi held mystical powers which granted them strength. Today they stand tall, proud and act as a symbol of strength and fortitude for the people of St.Lucia. Their names are Gros-Piton(background) and Petit Piton (foreground). Also today they're frequently hiked by thrill & adventure seekers testing their resilience and feeding their desire to conquer obstacles. You could say it's quite therapeutic for most hikers. Although appearing very close the Pitons are actually more than a mile apart and has the best marine reserve for snorkeling smack dab between them with the clearest, calmest waters called Jalousie Beach. Jalousie beach is also known as Sugar beach sharing the name of one the islands most luxurious resorts called Sugar Beach A Viceroy Resort. There is only one way to describe our home, simply beautiful.
We hope this cleared up most of your curiosity about St.Lucia and why it's in such high demand on the must-visit list of many.
Thank you for taking the time to read about this amazing place, see you soon family! Love and light~ Jojo's
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